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National Zakat Foundation 

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Afnaan Siddiqui

National Zakat Foundation

On 27th July 2024, Afnaan Siddiqui from the National Zakat Foundation did a series of talks about Zakat whilst hiking in Quarry Bank in conjunction with South Manchester Muslim Walking Group and Islamic Society Of Britain Connect

See below for the talks and also a zakat calculator.


You can donate money for this worthy cause by using this link 


“Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s cause are like grains of corn which produce seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains.”
[Qur’an, 2:261]

The 2011 census data shows 50% of Muslims face poverty and deprivation and 2021 census shows a similar picture. The National Zakat Foundation are the largest distributors of Zakat in the UK, having started in 2011. Their charity distribution model is based on the Sunnah of the Prophet ï·º of distributing locally to those most in need in our very own communities.

The walk we have supported is at Quarry Bank Mill, raising funds at National Zakat Foundation for their Growth Fund. This is your gateway to greater rewards because every £1 SADAQAH you donate to their Growth Fund enables them to raise around £6 in Zakat Insha'Allah.

This allows them to continue to running projects such as the Hardship Relief Fund, which gives grants to vulnerable Muslims in the UK who are unable to pay for basic living costs such as food and healthcare.

South Manchester Muslim Walking Group went on a walk at Quarry Bank in conjunction with the National Zakat Foundation and ISB Connect. Please donate whatever you can Insha'Allah and do share this with your networks to help them reach their target.


Introduction to ISB Connect by Khalid Anis

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Listen to conversation with Roy and Amir about the day today and some of the challenges people are facing in the community and why it is important for us 

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